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Torpey Wall Ball
The Rules of Wall Ball

The aim of the game is to hit the ball off the back wall until your opponent fails to return it, earning points each time you win a rally until you win the game.

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Torpey Wall Ball
Embracing Innovation in the Hurling Community
Navigating Ash Dieback

In the heart of Ireland’s rich hurling tradition, the clash of the ash has echoed through the ages. However, a challenge looms over the traditional materials as the threat of Ash dieback disease poses a significant hurdle for ash hurley manufacturers. While the ash tree’s decline presents a formidable obstacle, it also opens doors to new possibilities for innovation in the game.


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Embracing Innovation in the Hurling Community
Practising Alone, Yet Connected

In the fast-paced and high-intensity world of hurling the importance of mindfulness cannot be overstated. During the challenges of Covid-19, we introduced the concept of “Hurling Mindfulness” as a beacon of self-care and resilience. Now, in 2024, we revisit the idea to emphasise its timeless relevance. 

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Planting Seeds of Change with Plant The Planet Games 2023

We only have one precious earth. Together let’s leave a lasting legacy. This year we continued our contribution to the historic and life changing campaign in Kenya – Plant the Planet Games.


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Planting Seeds of Change with Plant The Planet Games 2023
Super 9s
Unleashing the Future Stars: A recap of the Super 9's hurling & camogie competitions

Here at Torpey we were delighted to get involved as a sponsor, in this years Super 9’s hurling and camogie competitions. The thrilling two days were organised by Gort Community School’s Future Leaders.


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Super 9s
Warriors For Humanity – Plant the Planet Games

We only have one precious earth. Together let’s leave a lasting legacy. Well done to all involved on a historic and life changing campaign in Kenya.

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Warriors For Humanity – Plant the Planet Games
Bamboo set to take the hurling world by storm
Austin Hobbs (Clare Champion)

Torpey in Sixmilebridge have launched a new Bambú hurley, made, as the name suggests, from bamboo material, which will be imported from China.

According to Seán Torpey, operations manager at the long-established traditional craft business, the new hurley will offer players a natural material with added performance benefits to that of the traditional ash hurley.

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Bamboo set to take the hurling world by storm
Inside the creation of the GAA’s first bamboo hurley
Author: Kevin O Brien (The42)

The aim was to create a hurley with the weight, feel and quality of an ash stick, but one that is sustainable, more robust and far less likely to break.

Inter-county players such as Clare’s Seadna Morey and Westmeath’s Aonghus Clarke used the bamboo hurley during this year’s Allianz Hurling League and several more big names could be availing of them by the time the championship rolls around

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Inside the creation of the GAA’s first bamboo hurley
The Peace of Pucking a Ball

Hurling can be an act of self discipline, and reminds us that we have the ability to be at one with our body, moving multiple parts together in one strike . What’s more, when you’re mindful of the complicated steps it takes to make a perfect strike of the sliotar, an hour each day spent practising on your own can feel nourishing, whilst the improvement in technique can feel deeply satisfying.

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Torpey® is a leading brand in Hurley manufacturing and sales. We are seeking a highly motivated individual to fill the role of Operations Lead who can help sustain and grow the business into the future. This position will provide the suitable candidate with the opportunity to gain a wide range of business experience in a dynamic and fast-growing business environment.

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