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Warriors For Humanity – Plant the Planet Games
Warriors For Humanity – Plant the Planet Games

We only have one precious earth. Together let’s leave a lasting legacy. Well done to all involved on a historic and life changing campaign in Kenya.

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We only have one precious earth. Together let’s leave a lasting legacy.

Torpey is built on learning and development, and we are always learning and taking action to reduce our environmental impact. When we heard about the Warriors for Humanity, Plant the Planet Games, we knew their mission and methods perfectly aligned with ours here at Torpey and were eager to help in any way possible.

In early November, we sent 30 Bambú hurleys with the Warriors on their campaign to Nairobi, in aid of Self Help Africa. It was a privilege to see our sustainable hurleys being used on a historic occasion, at the first GAA match in Kenya & the first mixed male/female GAA matches!

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The goal was to plant one million trees in Africa in partnership with Self Help Africa. These trees will provide an abundance of benefits including food for families, combatting climate change, deforestation, income generation, increased shelter and restoring degraded land.

During the development of Torpey Bambú, our aim was to create a hurley that delivered on high performance but was sustainable for the future. Similar to the work of the Warriors, we want the impact of our work to be felt for many years to come, benefitting future generations. We are working hard to ensure we are not only sustainable in our Bambú product but create a net positive influence on the environment.

Well done to all involved on a historic and life changing campaign in Kenya.

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Torpey Wall Ball
The Rules of Wall Ball

The aim of the game is to hit the ball off the back wall until your opponent fails to return it, earning points each time you win a rally until you win the game.

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Embracing Innovation in the Hurling Community
Navigating Ash Dieback

In the heart of Ireland’s rich hurling tradition, the clash of the ash has echoed through the ages. However, a challenge looms over the traditional materials as the threat of Ash dieback disease poses a significant hurdle for ash hurley manufacturers. While the ash tree’s decline presents a formidable obstacle, it also opens doors to new possibilities for innovation in the game.


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