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Speed and Strike FAQs

How much do the hurleys weigh, are they the same for each model?

Both models come in Light, Medium and Heavy. These weights can be seen under the information icon next to weight on the product pages.

Do you do custom hurleys?

We currently do not do custom hurleys, check out our new strike and speed models which offer different specifications.

What weight hurley should I choose?

A lighter hurley is generally preferred because it is easier to manoeuvre and play with. However, for stronger players, a heavier hurley might be more suitable due to its durability. Medium gives a balance of both.

What’s the difference between Speed and Strike?

See our product pages specification photo and descriptions.

Bambú – Strike

Bambú – Speed

I have subscribed to the subscription, which hurley will I get?

Currently the Speed model will be the hurley for the subscription. This speed model is the original Torpey Bambú.

Is Strike/Speed for Goalkeeper hurleys too?

No, the Goalkeeper model is a separate style from both Speed and Strike.

Which model is more similar to the original Bambú?

The Speed model is the original Torpey Bambú.

Subscription FAQs

How many hurleys will I receive with the subscription?

We will send you 2 hurleys to start your subscription. We will then keep you stocked up with 2 hurleys every 6 months, you won’t even have to think, same weight, same size, same balance as the last one (unless you want otherwise)

How will I be charged for the subscription?

Your subscription will initially cost the 6-monthly fee plus the initial delivery fee, all following delivery fees (every 6 months) will be paid by Torpey.

Every 6 months you will then be charged the 6-monthly fee via direct debit. See T&Cs for more details.

Will I receive a new grip with every new hurley?


Can I put my subscription on hold if I am injured?

Generally not, however if you have a long term injury (more than 6 months) please e-mail us at [email protected] and we may be able to put your subscription on hold.

Will my subscription run out?

No, your subscription will run indefinitely until you cancel it

How do I cancel my subscription?

In order to cancel a subscription, one must login their account created when ordering your product. You can find your account at the following link Through accessing the link you will be able to cancel your order. If you encounter problems please e-mail [email protected].

You cannot cancel your subscription until 9 months have elapsed.

When I cancel my subscription do I keep my hurleys?


How long will I be locked into the subscription period for?

You must stay in the subscription for at least 9 months after you begin, after this you are free to cancel whenever you want.

General FAQs

What should I do when I receive my hurley?

Avoid using your hurley straight away in a match or clashing scenario. It is recommended that you ‘break the hurley in’ by pucking a ball with the hurley over the course of a week prior to playing with it in a game. The pucking of the ball compacts the fibres of the hurley bás and, therefore, should give more strength to the hurley and give it longevity.

Please be mindful of where you store your hurley as this may affect the quality of your hurley over time. Cold-damp conditions can cause moisture to seep into the hurley, which may cause the hurley to become heavier and cause the hurley to become more susceptible to breakage. Storing your hurley in very dry and warm conditions may cause it to become very brittle and cause the hurley to become more susceptible to breaking.

Please note that any alterations or customisations a customer makes to a hurley may introduce defects to the structure of the hurley or weaken the hurley.

Should I order my hurley online or in store?

You should order whichever way you prefer, the quality will not be compromised in ether method of delivery. We deliver our premium hurleys both in store and online to the same exceptionally high standard.

How do I select the correct size for my Hurley?

You can check out our hurley sizing video on Facebook. The video thoroughly explains how to size hurleys to specifically fit your needs. Link below:

Hurley FAQs

What benefits will I get by switching to a Bambú hurley?

Increased striking distance and sweet spot. Scientific testing has shown an increased sweet spot while players have indicated they are getting an increased strike with Torpey Bambú.

Consistency in manufacture. Due to the consistency in material and the manufacturing technology Torpey have invested to manufacture Bambú, we can be much more accurate in the production of your Bambú hurley.

Sustainable material and choice. Bamboo is a more sustainable option than ash.

Does Torpey Bambú come with a grip?

Torpey Bambú orders are delivered with a grip supplied however the grip is not applied at this moment in time.

How do Bambú hurleys compare to ash?

The Bambú hurley is constructed using our patented technology, in which millions of bamboo particles are formed together to create the hurley. They are formed in a cross structural manner to ensure minimum shrinkage / warping will occur. In comparison to ash hurleys it will be much less likely to shrink or warp. However, it is still a natural material and we cannot 100% guarantee resistance to shrink/warp.

In order to ensure the minimum shrink / warp on your hurley we recommended following the same protocol as any ash hurley:

  • Wear in your hurley by using it in a non-contact environment for the first 2 weeks.
  • Store your hurley in a vertical position in a cold dry place.
  • Do not physically bend your hurley when it is not required.
  • Do not make home modifications to your Bambú hurley due its unique construction.
  • Please note, these are standard tips for all our hurleys to ensure longevity in the products.

Can I tailor my Bambú hurley after purchase?

Due to the patented construction within the Bambú hurley we do not recommend anybody other than a Torpey engineer tailor the hurley.

We work with players to achieve your hurley of choice. We can tailor the hurley to your weight specifications, if you desire a very specific weight please contact us for further info.

Should I apply a protective coating to my hurley?

You can apply linseed oil or a different alternative yourself after purchase of the hurley. This will not damage the durability of the hurley. We however recommend our EasyControl Protection as the best external coating for hurley protection and performance.

Experiencing Vibration through your hurley?

Although this does not happen very frequently due to the natural material of Ash all materials will vary in volume, density, and grain structure. The exact reason for this is difficult to understand without viewing the hurley. Potential reasons would include.

Grain structure: Typically we find that a wider grain structure represents better vibration control.

Growth Conditions: The growing conditions of ash vary depending on soil and weather conditions. This can cause a variance between the material in terms of density and volume which can increase/decrease vibration.

Awareness of the above information can allow our customers to make appropriate choices. Our sales team instore are on hand to help.

Some players who experience this, double grip their hurleys to give them extra comfort when hitting the ball.

If you are unhappy with the variances in natural (Ash) materials, then we suggest purchasing a Torpey Bambú. Our Bambú hurley is made from natural bamboo particles which are pressed together to manufacture an engineered material. With Torpey Bambú you can expect consistency in the material and the same response to striking every time.

Why does the colour of my ash Hurleys vary?

Due to ash dieback, we are now experiencing changing colours in our hurleys. Discoloration or stained like sections can now be seen on some hurleys. This represents the beginning of ash dieback on a hurley.

Please don’t be alarmed by these colours as they are a natural part of the tree. The discolorations do not weaken the strength of the hurley and are purely visual. Ash trees only becomes weakened by ash dieback after a certain point in the dieback disease and we do not fell or manufacture these ash trees.

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