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How to Pick the Perfect Hurley Size
How to Pick the Perfect Hurley Size

Choosing the right hurley size is crucial for maximising performance on the hurling field. The right hurley not only enhances your control and striking power but also contributes to your overall agility and speed in the game. Over the years, the ideal hurley size has evolved, reflecting the changing dynamics and demands of hurling. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of selecting the perfect hurley size for today’s fast-paced game.

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Hurley That’s Too Long

What It Looks Like: If the hurley handle extends above your wrist and thumb area when held upright, it is likely too long.

Challenges: A hurley that is too long often leads to it hitting the ground unintentionally, which can slow down your movements and increase the risk of getting hooked by an opponent. This length can also hinder your ability to control the sliotar effectively.


Hurley That’s Too Short

What It Looks Like: If the hurley doesn’t reach between your thumb and wrist when held upright, it’s too short.

Challenges: Using a hurley that is too short forces you to bend down more to scoop the sliotar off the ground, which can slow down your play. Additionally, striking the sliotar along the ground becomes more challenging, affecting your accuracy and power.

Too Long vs Too Short

Hurley That’s the Perfect Size

What It Looks Like: The ideal hurley should reach just between your thumb and wrist when standing upright, with the hurley just tipping the ground.

Challenges: A hurley of this size offers the perfect balance between control, speed and agility. It allows you to execute quick movements and strikes, keeping up with the fast pace of the modern game while minimising the risk of injury.


Selecting the right hurley size is a crucial step in preparing for success in hurling. While the traditional method of measuring up to the hip bone served its purpose in the past, the demands of today’s game require a more precise approach. If you are still unsure about what size hurley is your perfect fit, visit us in store and a member of our team will be happy to help.

The Perfect Size
The Benefits of Bambú Hurleys for Kids

As hurling continues to grow in popularity, it’s important for young players to have the right tools to help them develop their skills. At Torpey, we’ve embraced innovation while staying true to our hurling roots by introducing the Torpey Bambú Hurley. Designed with kids in mind,  our Bambú hurleys offer a range of benefits that can help kids excel in hurling while enjoying the game to the fullest. Here’s why the Bambú hurley is the perfect choice for your young hurler.

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